Better Skate Than Never

Better Skate Than Never

A good friend of ours "Dean Jones" has just released his scene video "Better Skate Than Never" featuring the likes of John Cattle, Sam Young, Sam Hopkins, Dean Jones, Blake Cresswell, Josh Chivers, Craig Davis and a whole load more. Dean has always been a respected and well loved character who originated from Southampton and now travels around living his own life however he so desires. Dean is a rad guy. Here's some words from Dean before his video - enjoy!!!


Better Skate Than Never

I started filming in 2012 after the last film "I can't believe it's not better". It took nearly 8 years to complete with everyone doing there own thing or not skating as much due to getting old or other commitments etc.. Some people sent me some footage but most I filmed over the duration of that time. and a few months of editing over the winter meant it finally got done for 2020. The premiere was the best part as it brought together so many skaters that I hardly saw anymore from the past and present. It was a great reunion and made me realise why i'd put so much effort in at the end. The skating is never amazing but then that's never what the chip shop army was about. It was always about hanging out, having fun but still pushing each other with our very limited Skaters inc: John Cattle, Sam Young, Sam Hopkins, Me, Blake Cresswell, Josh Chivers, Craig Davis, a few shared sections and a section from my short time in the west country when my knee was knackered.

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