The Prime Local Team 2016 is a collection of regionally gathered individuals: Ash Dixon, Daryl Partington, Glen Brooks, Jake Hill, Josh Snow, Matt Beer, Reece Douglas and Stefani Nurding. The team members have individual styles and abilities and are always keen to work on new projects.
Our goal is to keep you updated on new spots around the scene and new lines and tricks in our home park.
The team aim to promote skateboarding as it should be – “fun and creative”. Fun and creative are our two main objectives we will be using to produce proactive media that will assist our team, our community and our existence as a company.
As an independent company with evident roots in skateboarding, we want to look inwards and enjoy skateboarding for what it should be. Never mind the politics and screw the competition – lets just have fun. Going forwards you will see a proactive team doing fun things in good taste. We are so happy to have our own online business with skatepark and skatestore. We are surrounded by water and woodland and our concrete jungle provides the sickest spots to entice skateboarders from afar. What else do we need? Nothing! So we’re here and we are going to have some fun and roll out relative media from the heart of what we are all about. We all hope you enjoy our productions as we go forwards.